sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Summer Holidays

Hi everyone.
In my last post I'm going to write about summer holidays. When I was a child my family and I used to go to a beach called Aguas Blancas, near to Maitencillo. It was a beautiful place, whit soft sands and quiet sea. It have many flowers everywhere and it was so peaceful becouse in that time Aguas Blancas was a lonely beach. I remember that my dad loved go to fishing and mean while my mom, my big sister and I looked for sea shells and collected them. The sound of the sea and the wind were so relaxing. It really was nice times...

My plans for this summer holidays are travel to the south and disconnect from all. This classes in the summer have been very exhausting and all I want is to finish soon as possible to take my bag and go.
I would travel with a group of friends Felipe, Diego and Graciela. Will go to Coyhaique to visit a natural reserve and next we will go to Puerto Tranquilo to visit the marble cathedrals. The rest we leave it to the fate.

                                       Marble Cathedrals, Aysén Region.

My ideal summer holiday it would be in a tropical island with a nice company. I would like to be relax all day enjoying the beach, eat a lot of deliciuos food and take long walks with my partner through the island.

I hope you have a nice summer holidays and enjoy it very much.
Greetings to all.

1 comentario:

  1. Jose! You will go to Coyhaique to a natural reserve! I'm so jealous! in a good way obviously! I hope you enjoy the trip!
    Cheers (:
