sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Summer Holidays

Hi everyone.
In my last post I'm going to write about summer holidays. When I was a child my family and I used to go to a beach called Aguas Blancas, near to Maitencillo. It was a beautiful place, whit soft sands and quiet sea. It have many flowers everywhere and it was so peaceful becouse in that time Aguas Blancas was a lonely beach. I remember that my dad loved go to fishing and mean while my mom, my big sister and I looked for sea shells and collected them. The sound of the sea and the wind were so relaxing. It really was nice times...

My plans for this summer holidays are travel to the south and disconnect from all. This classes in the summer have been very exhausting and all I want is to finish soon as possible to take my bag and go.
I would travel with a group of friends Felipe, Diego and Graciela. Will go to Coyhaique to visit a natural reserve and next we will go to Puerto Tranquilo to visit the marble cathedrals. The rest we leave it to the fate.

                                       Marble Cathedrals, Aysén Region.

My ideal summer holiday it would be in a tropical island with a nice company. I would like to be relax all day enjoying the beach, eat a lot of deliciuos food and take long walks with my partner through the island.

I hope you have a nice summer holidays and enjoy it very much.
Greetings to all.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012


Hi everybody.
My favorite web site is google.Google is one of the five most popular websites in the world.
I have used it about six years now.

Google provides internet services that let you create blogs, send email, and publish web pages. Google has social networking tools, organization tools, and chat tools, services for mobile devices, and even google branded merchandise.
Google is a web search engine that lets you find other sites on the web based on keyword searches. Google also provides specialized searches through blogs, catalogs, videos, news items and more.
I use it everyday for to seek help for works or complementary study for tests. I also use it for personal interests.
I like this web site because you can access many interesting pages about music, fashion, health, enterteiment, and so on. Also you can select excellent information on various topics that can help you to study.
The google products that i like the most are google academic and specially google earth.
Google academic allows you to search literature in a simple mannerFrom one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources, for example, peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other academic organizations . Google academic helps you to identify the most relevant of academic research.

Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D 

buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean. It's so cool, you should visit this product of google sometime and download it. 

Greetings to all !

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Why I do want to be a vet ?

When I was a little child I want to be a businesswoman like my mother, sometimes I used her clothes, makeup and high-heeled shoes imagining that I was working in a company like her. It was so funny.
Then when I was a teenage I didn't know very well what i wanted to be. Sometimes I wanted to study something related  with the area of health and other times I wanted to study agricultural engineering and forestry. I was very confused. 
I decided to be a vet on a trip to Coyhaique in July of last year. I was disconnected of the world in there, very relaxed and i think that it was that what help me to make my decision. I realized that i really like everything relationed with animals and nature, and I wanted to do something to help and protect their conservation and welfare. So the obvious decision was studied Veterinary Medicine.
My experience in the university until now it's very good. In this months I learned a lot about so many things like the structure of life since the beginning of biological and chemical studies, different forms of life from unicellular to multicellular and so many types of animals that i didn't know they existed.
When I finished my degree I would like to work with farm animals, especially with horses becouse I like working outdoor and with big animals.
I hope you share my enjoy with this beatifull career.
Best wishes to all.

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Cultura Profetica

"Plug into the rhythm of the earth and feel it. 
Understand that we are a force together,
anything is possible if you try."  

 Under this slogan, this group of young Puerto Ricans between the ages of 19 and 25 give their lives to the musical creation. Their music is a spontaneous composition, very  fresh and with poetic sense. Going beyond the ideological barriers that transcend generational values ​​is one of the merits of  Cultura Profetica, caracterized as a banner of struggle and affirmation of the union who despises the stereotypes about skin color, scale, social or political affiliations.
Their musical style it's reggae music with a touch of salsa, jazz, funk, brazilian music and a fusion afro-caribbean roots in general.
The members are : Willy Rodriguez, singer and bass player. Boris Bilbraut, drummer. Omar Silva, guitarist and bass player. Egui Santiago, keyboardist. Esteban Gonzales, trombone player. Eduardo Cosme, trumpet player. And Milton Barreto, saxophonist.
My favorite albums are La Dulzura and M.O.T.A. (Momentos de Ocio en el Templo del Ajuzco).
 The song that i love the most is La Complicidad that talk about the intense connection between two people in love. 



jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


Since i was a little girl i wanted to travel someday to Egypt. Maybe it is becouse is one of the oldest countries in the world, imagine how much history is in it, how many people have born or died there. We find some of the first written words of civilization in there.I dont' know.. it's so amazing.
When I go someday the first thing that I will do is to go deeper into the Ancient Egyp, every aspect of it, from culture to people.
 The first place i would like to visit it be the city of Cairo. I would like to take a walk through the streets to meet the people in there , their customs and traditions. Eating in a local store to to try the local food and after I would like to buy clothes and dress me like the womens of there. 
Especially i would like to meet the giant Guiza Pyramid one of the most ancient wonders of the world.

 Next I would go to the village of Abu-Simbel to see the the world-famed temples of Abu-Simbel dedicated to Ramses II & Nefertari. Seen it just in pictures take my beath away it is such an inspiring sit.
If I have the opportunity, I'd like to work there as a veterinarian maybe  helping sick camels, so I can stay as long as I want and to know even more about this beautiful country.

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite dog breed

 I have  special fondness for the kind of dog that has no particular breed like quiltros.  I found them independent dogs, loving and with a special kind of wisdom. They are so adorable !
If i have to choose one it will be the golden retriever breed.

I meet mi first golden when a cousin bought one. They are loveable, polite, and highly intelligent dogs.
This breed has its roots in Scotland in the mid eighteenth century, they were historically developed as gundogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting and shooting parties. As such, they were bred to have a soft mouth to retrieve game 
undamaged and have an instinctive love of water.

Golden Retrievers are so trainable, they are used for many important jobs. Some of these jobs include being a guide dog for people who are blind, sniffing out drugs or bombs at an airport or helping to rescuing people from earthquakes or other types of natural disasters.This breed is also used in water rescue.
This dogs are extremely sweet. Friendly with everyone, children and adults even are good with other dogs, cats and most livestock. They are eager to please, and devoted companions. In fact they are the world's foremost family companion pet.

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

A little bit of Maria Jose

Maria Jose Vergara was born in a beautiful city called San Felipe, in 5th Region of Chile. She studied at Colegio Religiosas Carmelitas all her elementary school. When she was eighteen years old she studied odontology. After two exhausting and unhappy years she realized that she didn't want that, and what she really wanted was be on conection with the nature and animals so the word Veterinary come right to her head. In March of 2011 she began to study Veterinary at Universidad the Chile. At the moment she is doing the second semester of that career.
She currently lives in Santiago but she travels very often to San Felipe where her family live.
Maria Jose likes all kind of animals , even the ugly ones like bugs. She has two dogs in her house who loves very much.
In her free times she does pilates and horse riding becouse she had a good time doing it and also relaxed her. She also enjoy planting flowers in the garden of her home.
Her favorite musical group is Cultura Profetica , a melodic reggae band. They came to Chile last month but she couldn't go to see them becouse she had a test the next day. Hopefully she will have more luck the next time.