jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Cultura Profetica

"Plug into the rhythm of the earth and feel it. 
Understand that we are a force together,
anything is possible if you try."  

 Under this slogan, this group of young Puerto Ricans between the ages of 19 and 25 give their lives to the musical creation. Their music is a spontaneous composition, very  fresh and with poetic sense. Going beyond the ideological barriers that transcend generational values ​​is one of the merits of  Cultura Profetica, caracterized as a banner of struggle and affirmation of the union who despises the stereotypes about skin color, scale, social or political affiliations.
Their musical style it's reggae music with a touch of salsa, jazz, funk, brazilian music and a fusion afro-caribbean roots in general.
The members are : Willy Rodriguez, singer and bass player. Boris Bilbraut, drummer. Omar Silva, guitarist and bass player. Egui Santiago, keyboardist. Esteban Gonzales, trombone player. Eduardo Cosme, trumpet player. And Milton Barreto, saxophonist.
My favorite albums are La Dulzura and M.O.T.A. (Momentos de Ocio en el Templo del Ajuzco).
 The song that i love the most is La Complicidad that talk about the intense connection between two people in love. 



3 comentarios:

  1. I've never heard this band. I will do it and then give you my comments, ok?

    Happy 2012 :)

  2. Hello Jose
    My favorite song of this group is "Wanting" I love a thousand times I could hear this kind of muisic is very good, the fusion of styles is incredible!

  3. Jose! I liked the song,I had never listened to this group before. Is so relaxing (:
